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[Seminar] E-commerce Vitalization and Consumer Protection in Korea, China and Japan

■ Time: 08/25/16 (Thu) 13:00 – 18:00

■ Venue: Korea Univ. Haesong Law Library International Seminar Room

■ Host: Korea Consumer Agency(KCA), Korea Consumer Law Society, Legal Research Institute of Korea Univ.

■ Sponsorship: KOLSA, KIAF & ICR Center

■ Topic: E-commerce vitalization and consumer protection in Korea, China and Japan – Focused on the roles of E-intermediaries(platform administrators) and legal regulations


Chairperson: SEO Hee Seok (President, Korea Consumer Law Society)


Topic I: Responsibilities of E-intermediaries and Policy Issues

Presenter: LEE Kum Noh (Senior researcher, Department of Consumer Policy Research, KCA)

Topic II: Online shopping and Cross-border Transaction Trends in Korea, China and Japan

Presenter: KIM Yoon Tae (Vice president, KOLSA)

Topic III: 中国关于网络交易平台的法律规则 (Legal Regulations of E-intermediaries in China)

Presenter: SU Haopeng (Professor, Univ. of International Business and Economics)

Topic IV: 通信販売仲介者(プラットフォーム運営業者)の法的規律に係る日本法の現状と課題 (Legal regulations of E-intermediaries in Japan)

Presenter: SATOU Masahiro (Attorney, Nisataninomori)

Topic V: Legal Regulations of E-intermediaries in Korea –Focused on the E-commerce Vitalization through Consumer Protection in the Open Market

Presenter: KO Hyung seok (Professor, Sun Moon Univ.)

Panel Discussion


Panels from each country

China GUO Jinjin (Ph.D.)

Japan MURA Moto (Professor, Tokyo Keizai Univ.)

Korea LEE Jeong Pyo (Professor, Pusan National Univ.)


Panels from Korean Organizations

KIM Sung Cheon (Senior researcher, KCA)

KIM Moon Sik (E-commerce Division, FTC)

KIM Yong Jung (Ph.D., ICR Center)

Attach: 세미나자료집.pdf


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